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Old 03-30-2018, 08:47 AM
sef0181's Avatar
Join Date: Mar 2018
Location: Indiana
Posts: 63
Default Free Motion Quilting Questions

So I've just started playing around with free motion quilting, and I'm struggling with finding direct answers on google, so I thought I'd try here-
1) I assume stitches can be too close together, is there a general rule of thumb for the ideal stitch length?
2) If I'm ok with having lines that are clearly mismatched, unequal, or generally wonky, is it likely that whoever is receiving the gift will immediately note those mistakes? Do you have a general rule of thumb for the number of mistakes you think make a gift 'quaintly homemade' vs 'too lazy to use a seamripper'?
3) Have you ever tried taping a mini marker to the shank your foot attaches to to practice shapes? Does this work, or is it better to spend the money and learn on true quilt sandwiches? (My thought was start by practicing shapes, and then go to sandwiches to practice speed, before graduating to quilts)
4) Any advice based on my latest practice sandwich?
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