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Old 04-08-2018, 05:44 PM
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Location: New Hampshire & Maine
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Hi Mimi,

I go through periods of time that I can spend 27 hours a day (I know there are only 24 hours in a day) and still want more time to sew. Then there are times I don't go near my sewing room for months at a time - no mojo.

Currently I am in an active mode. Made one charity quilt top, have another sewn into strips and ready to be sewn together. Cut templates and organized the fabric for a to-be made quilt. Cut out another round of blocks for a 1930's top I am working on. Organized hundreds of 5" I-Spy squares for my charity quilts and went to a quilt guild board meeting so I got no sewing done. I only sew in the afternoons from noon until about 5:30 pm. So basically, I've done what I consider a lot of quilting/quilt related things in 2 1/2 days (I don't quilt on weekends or in the evening because I spend the time with my husband who works all week). I am a late riser (I go back to bed after sending husband off to work at 6 am) and in the mornings I tend to work on my computer, do the household chores (is there no end to the laundry????), pay bills, etc. That leaves my afternoons to sew.

Too much or not enough time is in the eye of the beholder. If you are not comfortable with how much time you are spending, cut down. No one will say anything to you if you do - only you can judge for yourself what you are comfortable doing. Remember...there is no such thing as "quilt police".

When you stop enjoying what you are doing, it's time to put it away and take a break! Take care and know that your granddaughter and friend's son will, no doubt, love their quilts.
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