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Old 04-25-2018, 07:40 PM
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Originally Posted by Jingle View Post
I never would put any kind of fabric in hot water. This would age new fabric and weaken it.
I do not agitate the fabric - that is what I think weakens it.

I agree that some fabrics should not be put in hot water. As far as that goes, some should not even by touched by any water.

How does putting fabric in hot water weaken it? Does ironing it with a hot steam weaken it also?

For my purposes, I feel that the cottons should be soaked in hot water before cutting them. My items go to people that have young children - and I want to make sure that the fabrics will not bleed or shrink when washed "with gentle care."

I do recommend washing a finished quilt in cool to warm water - on a gentle cycle - and drying on low to medium heat - or drying flat . I do not recommend line drying.
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