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Old 05-03-2018, 03:35 PM
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Originally Posted by rryder
Sillysusan- every little bit helps. Keep it up and you’ll get those stacks tamed!

yesterday I threw out a bunch of stuff (actually put it in the recycle bin) and also put some books in the donate box. Didn’t get and entire shelf cleared off, but it was a groundbreaking moment for me to decide that I am not going to re-read every book that Faulkner wrote- Ikve been hanging on to these books for 40 years thinking I’d like to re-read them some day- that means I’ve moved them to 7 different houses... it felt good to decide to let them go.

today I am going to look through my gardening and DIY books to see if there are some I am ready to part with.

You’ve inspired me to get to the basement and fill one box of books for donation. We used to own an old historic home, and I collected a bunch of antique books for display in study. They’ve sat in boxes for a decade now. Just one hour in the basement and I’d have a box to donate to our local library. Any one like old history books? Pay the postage and they can be yours?
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