Old 05-05-2018, 04:19 PM
Power Poster
Join Date: Feb 2009
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It all seems to be ( personal) when it comes to ( saving) a rag. A few years ago I had a boss who asked me about repairing a baby quilt. She brought it to me - it was literally a rag- torn strips, just a mess. I told her it was beyond mending. She pleaded- couldn’t accept it not being saved.
i found new backing, new batting, a muslin ( base); basted the original to the muslin, used tulle ( what would we do without tulle?) covered the quilt with the tule, quilted it all together, bound it, she was thrilled!
All I could think was - at some point a rag is just a rag. Not that I’m not sentimental, but if you have something that means that much to you- put it away before it becomes a rag. Once it’s a rag it’s time to let it go.
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