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Old 05-23-2018, 07:38 PM
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Join Date: Aug 2013
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Question I can't remember!!! Hexi's

I have some EPP pieces I did quite a while ago.........hexi's, using Quilt Pati's the plastic or mylar hexi's that are all ready cut out with a center hole.
I can't remember how I did them. On you tube everybody shows cutting the fabric 1/4 inch larger and basting each corner.
That is not how I did them. Looking at mine on the back they are basted in the center so I have almost a double thickness of fabric and they look pretty good so I have to feel them to see which is the right side. But for the life of me I can't remember how I did them and can not find a you tube tute on how this method is done..........I know I didn't dream up this method on my own!!! lol, I'm not that clever.
Has anyone else seen this method????? Can anyone point me in the right direction to watch a video of this?

Please, Help!!!!!

Thank You!
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