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Old 06-20-2018, 04:36 AM
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Join Date: Feb 2014
Location: Davenport, Iowa
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Default Dresden Plate Out of Wack

I've always wanted to make a Dresden Plate Quilt, so purchased a pattern ("Muffet's Tuffet") from American Jane to go with my 2 American Jane "Bread and Butter" Jelly rolls. I did not use the template size in the pattern but instead used my Easy Dresden by Darlene Zimmerman with the size that looked compatible. So far I've used one roll to make the petals. But in sewing them together with my 1/4" foot, I have to put 21 petals together to make it lay flat instead of 16 as the pattern calls for. Follow?? Is this 21 petal Dresden going to look weird.? Realize I will have to use the other jelly roll to make enough blocks to fit my queen bed, but don't want to do it until I'm sure this will be o.k.
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