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Old 06-23-2018, 05:30 AM
Power Poster
Join Date: Nov 2009
Location: Mableton, GA
Posts: 11,221

Well my fast food of choice is a McDonald's Hamburger Happy Meal. I have it a couple times a year, so it really is a special treat.

My little treat every day is one piece of chocolate and about 2 ounces of diet coke because I know the diet coke is awful for me. The only other time I have it is with the Happy Meal and I put a lot of ice in that small cup.

Quilting related things are not a special treat for me. I enjoy quilting a lot when I feel like it, but the mojo comes and goes and since I quilt for my own pleasure I roll with it.

Mr. Stitchnripper would go out to eat a lot more if I were willing, but, it becomes not special if we do it all the time. Since I got the Instant Pots it is easier, cheaper and healthier to cook at home.
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