Thread: Veggie Garden
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Old 07-16-2018, 08:04 PM
Senior Member
Join Date: Oct 2017
Location: Vancouver Island / Arizona
Posts: 458

Syl: I am kitty-corner to you across the continent. Our weather is usually milder but we are hot today. You ask for tips. There are thousands from companion planting to the use of manure tea that was mentioned. Try to find some of the old "Organic Gardening" magazines. Another good one is Mel Bartholomews "Square Foot Gardening", and the Expert series also. Is there a garden in the neighbourhood that you have noticed? One of your best resources would be that gardener. Is there a gardening club you can get to? Usually they are helpful with advice and even sharing plants. If you can't keep your tomato plants going don't forget about green tomato relish. I used to use a three section exercise book. One section was for helpful hints, one was for a running diary of what was happening in the garden. I also used to keep a record of where I got a plant from. Knowing what you planted where last year is important information as are things like your planting out dates, first harvest, etc. Garding can be as involved as you want it to be but you never stop learning. Good Luck.
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