Thread: Indian Recipes?
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Old 07-17-2018, 05:22 AM
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Originally Posted by charley26 View Post

India has a wide variety of cuisine, and depending on the area/s that you are visiting, fish, meat, or vegetarian styles will be more prominent in some areas more than others. Kerala, for instance, has a very different food style to other parts of the country. Madhur Jaffrey has written lots of recipe books, and I am sure you could find her TV cooking shows on YouTube, and books in the library. She is wonderful, and has a very easy way of describing and demonstrating her recipes.
There are many other excellent Indian cooks too of course, and I really like these two guys:the incredible spice men.
I would look at a lot of books, and try some recipes from them.
Funny that you should mention Madhur Jaffrey. I just bought one of her cookbooks: Vegetarian India. It's a beautiful book. I'll be sure to check out the "Spice Guys." Thanks.

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