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Old 07-29-2018, 05:28 AM
Battle Axe
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I'm a little like Jingle. I never wanted something that I was quite sure I could never get, so celebrity heart throbs were not on my plate. I've always felt that in every woman's life there is one guy that she would do anything for. Well, this one was in my class. Every girl wanted him. I refused to go to Sunday School because he was in there and there were about 9 girls that were just fawning over him constantly. I could not stand it.

We grew up and married others. Then when he was a washed up drug addict and I was a successful artist, we re-connected. I asked him if he would like to come live with me and run some of my businesses. That in itself was a huge mistake, but I was thrilled to have him in my life. He used me like a back door rug and it cost me but.....

He refused to live with me, and everything I did for him wasn't good enough, but he was furious if I refused him anything. Turns out he was the biggest hypochrondriac, selfish man on Earth. I helped him establish a business and then had to help him out all the time. If he helped me, he would charge me for it. I look back and wonder about my sanity.

Then one day, after he had moved into another place, his clients called me. They could not get him on the phone, but he was notorious for losing the phone. So I drove down there. I found him dead on the floor of the living room. It looked like he was sitting in his chair and then got up and only made it half way across the room, went down on all 4's and rolled over dead.

I did CPR until the paramedics got there, but they said he had been gone for 3 hours. I was questioned by the police, but cleared. It took 3 months to get the autopsy back as he was on so many prescription drugs, as he had moved from street drugs to milking doctors for prescriptions.

This new place had a basement where he had put his exercise equipment, but there was so much mold in the basement, both black and white, that you could scrape it off the walls with a knife. When he first moved in he over flowed the toilet and got all the carpet upstairs wet. I offered to help him clean it up, but no he said. It would dry. Well it did dry and mold even more. You walked into that place and the mold hit you in the face like a tank.

So he died from double bacterial pneumonia. I say it was transmitted to him by the mold spores. I think he ran on his treadmill and then sat under the air conditioner and filled his lungs. That stuff is nothing to be messed with as I had seen him Sat. morning and I found him Monday morning.

He had estranged his family so repeatedly that none of them came to the funeral. I was tasked with the whole thing. Since I was the one that called the authorities, my name is on his death certificate. He has been gone for 7 years this month.
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