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Old 07-29-2018, 08:51 AM
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Join Date: Aug 2015
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Gee reading the above lists there are lots; Clark Gable; Randolph Scott; Tom Skerritt; Tom Selleck; Mark Harmon; Richard Gere; Dean Martin (LOVE his music); Gene Barry; Raymond Burr; and am sure there are others. None that I really pine for though; just think they were really good looking guys; would never even get to meet them. I had a great husband and lost his when he was 42; he's been gone over 29 years now. Hard to believe and I miss him a lot. Cherish your fellows if he's a keeper. They are SO hard to find.
I understand how you feel Battleax. I had one hanging around in my life like that - for way too long after my husband died (what was I thinking); found out he'd gone online and found a 'girlfriend' who was older than him (he was in his 80's by then); he was so lazy wouldn't do anything for himself (I think he was looking for his/a mommy). When I found that out I walked away and didn't look back. Do NOT need that in my life. I'm ok quite alone.
I'm sure all those we have a flick of interest in might not be that great to live with or as nice as they seem - in reality. But we can dream; doesn't cost anything as long as we remember it is just fantasy.
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