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Old 08-06-2018, 08:23 PM
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Join Date: Sep 2016
Posts: 548

my first car was really old and had a choking cigarette smell, when I got out of it after driving it my hair and clothes smelled too. we put tons of cheap fresh ground coffee all over and it took the smell out when I vacuumed it out. changed the coffee once i think but in a week the smell was gone. I don't think that would work for a sewing machine for obvious reasons.

the other story I have is that we went on a vacation and didn't realize that our car windows were the teeniest bit cracked. there was tons of rain that week and it was in the summertime and we got home and opened the car to go get dinner and it was full of mold. everywhere. professional detailers had to take the interior apart to get the water and mold out of everything and steam it and then they did an ozone generator and it got the smell. you can't even tell that it happened.
I have bad car luck lol

i would try the vinegar cause it's cheap and if it doesn't work then I'd go for the ozone.
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