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Old 08-07-2018, 04:51 AM
Super Member
Join Date: Jan 2007
Location: western arkansas
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When I smoked I really had no idea how bad everything in my house smelled. I would clean my machines and always get the brown yuk off but still had no idea about the smell. My parents smoked so I didn't know what clean smelled like. My husband also smoked. We quit 15 years ago. I couldn't stand the smell in our clothes, furniture and especially my fabric. I did a lot of washing including the walls in every room. Today I absolutely cannot be around anybody that smokes. The smell is horrid. I can walk by someone in a store and smell it. Said all that to say this....pinesol or something like 409 should clean the machine and take away the smell. 409 cleaned my machines, cutting table, and cutting mats. Hope this helps. I honestly did't know how bad I smelled!
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