Thread: Boom 21 - Dunes
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Old 09-07-2018, 06:01 AM
Janice McC
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Default General and boom biz - please read

PamelaOry, ouch! I'm pretty sure stars will work in everyone's quilts. Who doesn't love stars?

Ditto...ouch QM. The stack seems insurmountable to me. At least put mine at the end. I can always stitch it up myself.

Terriamn, I'm sorry to hear about BIL but at least hospice is all about making him comfortable. I hope he finds pain-free rest and peace during these next months. Hugs.

JayneW, I'm all for the new rule. Effective immediately, no injuries or illness will be permitted during any Boom. If I have to run the darned swaps 24/7/52 then so be it if it will keep all of you healthy and injury free. I will be buying stock in a bubble wrap company before purchasing and shipping you each a fairly large roll. Regular usage will be a requirement of the next swap.


So here's the topic I'd hoped I would never have to discuss. What if a person honestly and truly cannot finish on time, regardless of the reason? If you absolutely cannot make all of your blocks, those f8s, whether uncut or cut must be returned to me on time. That means if a swapper has cut up the f8 and not stitched it, the entire f8 should be sent to me, even if it's in 40 pieces. I'm not of the opinion that extending the swap for any one person is acceptable, particularly since this swap is 3 months. Obviously, injuries and illnesses happen. My goal is not penalize anyone as nobody starts a swap like this with the intention of not finishing but neither do I wish to inconvenience 20+ people for one, myself included. Extending a swap beyond my established dates does not work for me. If I allow it once, it will be expected in the future and I'm not going there. Therefore, if anyone in the swap is in the situation of not being able to finish, please contact me sooner, rather than later, to discuss this privately.

Also, in the event that a person does not return any blocks or f8s for whatever reason, I am comfortable returning the blocks made for that person to the maker. This has already been requested by a number of Boomers already in case this comes to pass in this round. I believe it to be the most equitable, and yet still unhappy, solution.

Anyone wishing to share their differing or concurring opinions, please contact me privately. PM or email will work. I don't want hurt feelings on here and this stuff has that potential. Thanks.

Last edited by Janice McC; 09-07-2018 at 06:05 AM.
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