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Old 09-15-2018, 06:13 AM
Super Member
Join Date: Oct 2015
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I precut some scraps into standard sizes that I know I’ll use, but others that are say quarter yard or so get wrapped around comic book boards with size marked on a piece of paper pinned to the fabric and stored in a couple of easily accessible drawers in one of those sterilite plastic units. I go to those drawers first (before hitting up my yardage) when I need to make binding, find an accent fabric, or need to make a hanging sleeve, etc. Having them on the comic boards means I can open a drawer and see at a glance what I’ve got- makes it easy to use them up.

The “precut” scraps are only allowed to occupy 2 drawers in my arrow Suzi unit, so when those drawers get full I have to use the scraps. Smaller scraps for string quilts and crumb quilts get a shoebox for each type. When a box starts getting full I have to use up some of them before I do anything else in the studio. My space is small, so I had limitted storage to begin with. At first I thought that was a disadvantage, but I've found that it has forced a bit of discipline on me that really helps me keep control of my scraps.

Of course, this only works because I like working with scraps and I have a hard time throwing anything away

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