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Old 09-18-2018, 12:44 AM
Join Date: Sep 2018
Location: United Kingdom
Posts: 14

Originally Posted by Mickey2 View Post
There are two tiny holes at each end of the motor reaching the motor axle, (in other words bearings). Inside there is a type of wadding, and it's meant to be oiled.
Thanks for the response
I'm not exactly sure where I should be looking for these tiny holes. Are they easy to miss? Some photographs would be great if you get the chance.

I think this machine has seen regular domestic use but not for many years. It was very fluffy and dry when it arrived. I get the impression that it has spent most of its life in the home of a heavy-smoking, cat owning, seamstress.

Shortly after turning on one of the capacitors in the foot pedal went phutt and set the machine going by itself. I have heard of this happening but this was the first time I've witnessed it first hand. Rather eerie the ghost in the machine! I opened the pedal to whip out the capacitors and found the whole button and linkage area choked with pet hair and fluff. Glad to get it clean now.

I may open up the motor to carry out the checks as you suggest. I have the user manual for the earlier type BAK motors so hopefully that will be of use.

Thanks again for taking the trouble to respond.
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