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Old 10-07-2018, 08:21 PM
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Originally Posted by lilli480 View Post
I also purchased the Simply 16 and after just 1.5 years I upgraded to the Amara. I am much happier with the size and features. My frame is 10’ in a room that is 10’6”. I am thrilled to have a longarm even if I don’t have the recommended space on all sides. It works for me! Good luck!
I don't have a longarm but have been studying the possibility for a long time, including watching people on youtube, and I can't begin to imagine how you can attach your quilt without being able to get around to all sides easily! Is it diagonal across the room?

I have room for one. All I'd have to do is unload a treadmill that we never use and rearrange some other things, but one issue I would have is that it's an upstairs bonus area in our house and has no doors - just open to the stairs. I have young grandchildren and pets that might get into a bad situation. Cats, for example, eat thread and it can kill them. Also, I'm 20 years older than greenirish43, and maybe I'd get only 30 years of use out of it, or so. Still considering.

There's someone in the neighborhood who would let me use her Gammill for a penny a square inch. I could quilt a whole lot of quilts without spending anywhere near the price of a machine of my own, and the fact that it's a designated project at a designated time and place would keep me from procrastinating. Her price includes the setting up, so I wouldn't even have to learn how to do that. I think I have convinced myself I'd rather spend money on more fabric. Still, every time the subject comes up I think, "Wouldn't it be awesome to have one of those!"
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