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Old 10-18-2018, 09:28 PM
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Location: San Diego, CA
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I have seen a few 222 (free-arm FW) on CL in SoCal, where VSM seem more common and available than in some other parts of the country (NOT looking at you, Pacific NW!). None of them were listed for less than $1200, and some $1500. They weren't posted more than 1 or 2 weeks. Here, regular singer 221 featherweights are listed in the 250 to 350 range and seem to go pretty fast. Some, with all attachments and the folding table, are listed 450 to 500. I don't know if they get that price but the ads were gone in 2 to 3 weeks (unlike the really, REALLY cruddy looking singer 99 that has been listed and relisted for 2 years at $75, some people never learn).

So I would say the ebay prices you mention are pretty much on the mark. And prices for VSM have been going up across the board in the past 6 months, by my observation. So, if you want to sell, go for it!
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