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Old 10-22-2018, 11:40 AM
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Join Date: Sep 2011
Location: Mendocino Coast, CA
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Default "Teach a Kid To Sew" Book Suggestions?

I have a step-granddaughter that became part of our family a few years ago. She's going on 11 years old now and loves Legos, or anything else that she can put together. She has tons of Legos and is starting to grow out of them. Now that she's on the verge of becoming a teenager, I thought that she might want to learn how to sew and/or quilt. For Christmas, I'm planning on giving her and her mom one of my smaller, vintage, sewing machines so that they can sew together in their apartment. I would like to include a good book and some notions to get them started. Does anyone know of a great book for teaching kids to sew? Her mom has done some sewing, but I don't think much, so it would be a teaching tool for her too. Thanks!

~ C
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