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Old 11-11-2018, 05:53 AM
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Originally Posted by Moira in N.E. England View Post
SillySusan has said exactly what I was going to say - your sewing time should be a relaxing time for you.

There are only 24 hours in a day and, at the moment, not many of them can be used as ‘Me-Time’. Could you possibly explain to your family that you need some time to yourself - perhaps one afternoon or a few hours a week - so that you can have a break from your commitments and do something you want to do?

It is great that your studio is so well organised. This means that whenever you can escape there you will not waste time searching for something you need.
I agree, I work full time, have 3 days off and I live alone. With the exception of my dog and cat. But I still help out on my days off with grand kids, picking them up from school, over night visits, helping my daughter out, etc. If I had no family, I'd have lots of time to sew, quilt and emb but I wouldn't be as happy. When I see my 3yr old grandson's face when I'm the one picking him up, not sewing is so worth it. I am trying now to get my whole house organized, one room at a time. Then when I have time I don't feel so bad if I haven't cleaned for the day. Let yourself off the hook. Life happens.
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