Old 11-18-2018, 03:36 PM
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Originally Posted by QuiltingNinaSue View Post
God moves in mysterious ways, Dublb. He is a very good writer. I wish him the best...he is a child to be very proud of and I know you are, and you love him and every member of your family. He desires an extra hug for all his hard work and efforts.

Been working on the 'BS' red, white and blue quilt and have almost 5 blocks done. A lot of stripping and cutting to get all the background done for 20 blocks. I don't have enough backing in my Christmas BS quilt so outside blocks will have different background or it will be a smaller quilt...still thinking about it.

Snow on the ground...about 3 inches and temperature in the twenties today.
I love what ya have done on the BS quilt so far. I now am looking forward to seeing the finished top.
I don't envy you the snow!
Thanks for the compliments about #1DSon. Yes I do love all of my family. Even the DSis that drives me crazy! I told my DGK's that even though I love each of my family the same amount, that I love each one differently as they are all different.
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