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Old 12-10-2018, 10:32 AM
Join Date: Oct 2017
Posts: 13

Originally Posted by OurWorkbench View Post
Thank you!!!! I have a few of those. I didn't realize that the Creative would work with modern snap-on feet.
Janey -
You're welcome, Janey! Like I said, they probably wouldn't stand the stress of regular changing, and you may have to go slow and easy with snapping them on. Try to line up the angle of the adapter opening with the bar on the foot. I've gotten some on by placing the foot on the bed of the machine in the proper spot, and slowly lowering the presser foot bar with the adaper attached - a little alignment adjusting and it will snap in, if you can't get it by hand. BTW, I think there may be a bit of variation in the thickness of the bar part of snap on feet too, so proceed carefully. I've had a couple feet that just wouldn't go on - the bar seemed too thick and I didn't want to break the adapter.
Good luck!
MJ in TX
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