Old 12-16-2018, 07:59 PM
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Join Date: Jan 2011
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Originally Posted by Linmar
Onebyone - It's a great feeling when you are satisfied with your purchase after months of research!
I'm am very pleased with it. I had no idea it would be this nice of a machine for the cost. The machines I was thinking of buying were all over $10,000. Yep, they are great and beautiful. But I found out the fee to have one cleaned and checked started at $250 up. One brand was over $350. So when 95% of my sewing is a straight stitch I stepped back and thought it through a little more. DH was puzzled why I changed my mind. I can't explain it as I tend to spend money on myself with no guilt at all and I am certainly not cheap. I felt ticked a sewing machine could cost that much and here I was thinking of actually spending thousands for a sewing machine. I couldn't do it even though I could. I am truly happy for the ones in my sew group who bought the new Brother Luminaire. It's what they wanted and it is big and beautiful. I just couldn't do it. I know you will enjoy and love your new machine whichever one you choose. A new machine is exciting no matter from Walmart or dealer.

Last edited by Onebyone; 12-16-2018 at 08:13 PM.
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