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Old 12-19-2018, 11:04 AM
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Join Date: Aug 2010
Location: Las Vegas NV
Posts: 444

OK ladies you are all working to hard and my head is spinning.
Here is my answer:
I make the things that I want both as color and learning. In August I decide what items I have made that I am willing to part with.
I photograph them and a brief description(size color style)
Then they are posted to a site by my daughter. I send the address to the site to the first person on my list and let them choose what they want for a Christmas Gift. When they have chosen that item is taken off the site and our of my inventory and their name is put on the gift.
I will now send the address to the next person on my list and let them choose.
This continues until there is no one left on the list.
Each year a different person is number one.
I have been doing this for 6 years now and everyone gets to pick their gift. Good comments only.
By the 1st of December my gifts are in the mail.
Now I can enjoy my holiday
Happy Holidays to all of you.
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