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Old 01-04-2019, 10:23 AM
Senior Member
Join Date: Jan 2015
Location: Southwest
Posts: 736

ScrapLady, you made me smile with your post. I too keep things that in my sewing room that remind me of others that have passed. I use my Dad's measuring tape thing (the kind that men use to measure stuff) to measure the quilts for borders and bindings. My brother-in-law's magnetic bowl to hold my pins. My Mom's wool pin cushion and the little hen pin cushion she made me. I love using them and ......remembering, just like you. I also have a huge bulletin board (office size that covers a wall)'s just got little things that make me happy......a napkin from a place we ate dinner, a wedding announcement, cards from grandchildren, drawings from little nieces and nephews, scraps of fabric from a quilt I made, etc. sewing room is definitely "my happy place".
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