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Old 01-16-2019, 10:48 AM
Jo Belmont
Senior Member
Join Date: Feb 2010
Location: Reno, Nevada
Posts: 794

I have found that using the 6X24" ruler folding method has several advantages. I've done it for years in several locations/set-ups, many with limited space. Advantages:

1. You can take fabric directly out of the dryer, fold in half lengthwise and fold around ruler WITHOUT IRONING. It keeps the fabric from wrinkling and you only have to iron the size you cut off for the current pattern.

2. No need to unfold to calculate approximately how much yardage you have. Simply count the number of layers on the fabric fold end X 6" and you'll come out pretty close.

3. Stack by color group (reds/pinks; purples/lavenders/maroons; yellows/golds/oranges, etc.) AND specialty groups (landscape textures; Holidays; juvenile, etc.).

4. If a particular stash color or specialty needs replenishing, a quick look-see reveals that without having to disrupt anything.

5. Takes the least space of any other methods I've tried and fits most "standard" shelf depths and heights.

Hope this helps.
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