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Old 01-16-2019, 02:52 PM
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Join Date: Apr 2012
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[As someone who has accumulated a large stash and regrets it....]

Me, too...and I don't have a roomful of fabric, just an Ikea Billy bookcase full. But it has kind of begun to haunt me. I think I'll never get it all sewn up, and I'm beginning to feel overwhelmed by it. I've seen fabric at estate sales -- and have been gifted with some by my children who attended such sales -- and I don't want mine to end up like that. Silly? Yes. But if I had to do over.......

....although, who am I fooling? I'm not sure I acquired this stash as a "stash" but simply because I am attracted to fabric. I see and buy it because I like it, without having the least idea what I'm going to use it for, as I did before I began quiltmaking, back when my sewing consisted of making clothes. It's like buying books -- my resistance has always been low!
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