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Old 02-22-2010, 09:11 AM
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Originally Posted by laparshall
So many beautiful little quilts. You are all doing such nice work. I have completed my top, and today will begin my attempt at free motion quilting. I was fortunate enough at the retreat I was on this weekend to have someone teach me to do free motion quilting on my machine. So I am off to my sewing room to give it a shot. Let's see how much I learned. I hope LadyGen won't mind my practicing on her quilt. Wish me luck. . .Linda
Of course I don't mind! I'm running way behind on your little quilt, as I just haven't had as much time to sit and do it as I expected to! Guess that's what I get for planning an applique quilt rather than a pieced one... It was going to be 18x24, but it looks like I'll have to make it be 12x18, so that it actually gets done somewhere in the vicinity of the month (actually, it should be done before then... I hope!), I hope you don't mind!
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