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Old 03-02-2019, 01:51 PM
Join Date: Jun 2012
Posts: 27
Default Babylock Jazz ll, anyone have one??

Hi guys, I havent posted in a long time but this is maybe where I can find my answer. I have a Janome 6600 that I use a lot for quilting and am tired of struggling with the throat area, love the machine and do not want to upgrade and spend a ton of money. So I searched a Babylock Jazz ll and it's a great price point but mechanical and the local dealer won't sell them because of everyone loving the computerized machines, pretty much what she said. I have 4 Vintage Singers, 301,401, and a 403 that I love playing around with, they are mechanical and I do not have a problem sewing with them.
So my question is anyone out there using one. This one has the up down needle which is more important than anything else like 300 special stitches, since I do a lot of ruler work that is not important.

Really could use help, and Thanks in advance. I just don't want to spend a couple of thousand at this time and I can pick up one for $800 includes shipping.
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