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Old 03-29-2019, 09:23 PM
Junior Member
Join Date: Jan 2018
Posts: 251

I know your right. Funny I didn't anticipate these feelings while I was accumulating all these fabrics. I guess I assumed I would majically morf into the new Riley Blake. I was always good at home decorating so "I know what looks good." Hmmm.... not as confident right now.

I have a zillion pins on line of quilts that I am partial to just like you do, but as you know it's one thing to like what you see when it's completed, but it's another thing to have the right combination of fabrics to make it look as good.

It's like cooking. I know when something tastes really good, but can I chose the right ingrediants to make it without a recipie?

I think when you like a quilt you see, it is the fabric chosen as well as the pattern design that makes it appeal to you. The pattern I can duplicate. The fabric, that's a different story.

Last edited by Schill93; 03-29-2019 at 09:28 PM.
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