Thread: Stupid mistake
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Old 04-13-2019, 12:12 PM
Junior Member
Join Date: Jul 2012
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Posts: 213
Default Stupid mistake

If it isn’t one thing, it’s another. I was going to do some appliqué on a quilt for someone special. I used a supposedly washable felt pen to freehand the ‘branch’ for the flowers in a similar color. The pen marks are behind the stitching and very visible (bright lime green).
I tried spritzing water on it to remove the marks...nothing happened. Then spray-on stain remover. The marks on the bottom have faded some, but not these. I can’t wash it because it’s not bound or quilted.

The only thing I can think of is to pick out the stitches and do the stitch over in a darker and slightly larger stitch, unless someone has a better suggestion. I tried to upload a pic but it just wouldn’t go.
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