Thread: Drunkards path
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Old 04-22-2019, 01:46 PM
Senior Member
Join Date: Feb 2010
Location: Austin, TX
Posts: 847

I made this pattern, in a queen size quilt in 2013. My mother had a stroke, and was in a wonderful hospital room with a small round dining table, a fold out bed, and a view. I rolled my Viking Diamond Deluxe into her room from the parking garage and decided I was going to quilt this sandwiched quilt where I can face her and she can see me. I would spend two nights at a time, then my brother would relieve me. OK, so how did I quilt it? I did feather all over it, but first sewed each row down with water soluble thread, opposite direction by each row. I had not ever machine quilted a quilt, just played with FMQ and taken a class. I had a book on it, so the first morning after breakfast, I laid back and read. Then realized had nothing to practice, so I did a corner, and it just got better and better. My mother was in the hospital for 15 days, and on the day before checkout I had finished the quilt and rolled my machine out of her room to the parking garage, and it stayed packed until she returned to her room at the nursing home, in which she at the time did not have a roommate! Yep, I did the binding and finished the quilt in her room again, and continued working on a pineapple quilt I had already begun piecing.

So, once the drunkard's path was finished, I washed it and of course, like magic, lol, the rows of sewing disappeared and only the feathers were the quilting. I love how it turned out.
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