Old 05-06-2019, 04:18 AM
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I re-did my pumpkin and made it smaller. I did not want a ginormous pumpkin on my farm. I also added more orange/orange fabric to make it look more like I wanted it to. I'm just in general happier with this version of my pumpkin.

I also re-did Joy again. I'm seriously going to have an extra quilt of just pigs. But, I changed the design completely. I adapted a Rachel's of Greenfield pattern that I have had for years. "Crazy Pigs". I've wanted to make this pattern forever. So, Miss Piggy and Baby Piggy are making their debut in this quilt.

I have a horse in the works right now. It is hilarious. Every farm needs the one "crazy" off beat animal on it. Well, Horsie is going to be it.
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