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Old 05-28-2019, 11:15 AM
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Join Date: Jan 2011
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This is an interesting thread. Lots of Bosch owners here.
Mine is getting kind of ancient now too, so I've been asking around about best/worst brands to buy.
My sis just got a new one about 2 years ago, and she said to consider:
1. can you open it if you need to after the cycle has begun? Hers locks down & won't open again until it's finished completely.
2. Does hubby or anyone else lean on the counter? Hers has control buttons on the front that are prominent enough that he keeps locking the door & starting the machine when he doesn't mean to. Odd....
3. As stated above, all sizes are not standard, so you do have to measure, and all do not use the same amounts of water. And all do not require the same soap brands. (pods, liquids, powders etc).
Also, most appliances in the US, despite the different brand names are all made by ... I think she said....3 or 4 manufacturers. So repair options are not that great where she lives.

I think I want one like the one misspriss had.
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