Thread: Lumpy Pattern
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Old 07-16-2019, 08:32 AM
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Originally Posted by tallchick View Post
Sorry about your lumps, I too press all my seams open and rarely have this issue. Just remember, if you press your seams open you’ll want to decrease your stitch length too.
Very good point, Tallchick. I was thinking about this just yesterday. I am amazed at the huge stitches some people use and am not surprised when their seam ends fray and such. I asked one friend about it a couple of years ago and she said it was easier for her to take out if needed. I asked her how much time she spent taking out stitches as opposed to having to deal with the last half inch of all her strips being bad...

I have to admit with my vision issues I can not see well enough anymore to take out stitches if the thread coordinates with the fabric. So I pretty much always use a camel brown or a grey-blue, plus since I make scrap quilts I can't do much in terms of matching thread to fabric.

With the Bernina I was given, the "default" stitch was too long for me. If you can easily pull away 3-4 stitches from the end of a seam, it's too long and/or not tight enough for quilting.

When you do strip piecing you also need a smaller stitch length than in garment construction because you are going to cut through those stitches.

I'm not used to these modern numbers, but I start with a stitch of about 12 to an inch, I'd have to check on what I have the Bernina set to now. If I'm doing something like cutting appliques (I usually use the facing/slit and turn it inside out method) I'll go to something closer like 16. Paper piecing also I typically use a tiny stitch. I never ever go down (up??) to 10 stitches to an inch while piecing.

Last edited by Iceblossom; 07-16-2019 at 08:44 AM.
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