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Old 02-25-2010, 02:08 PM
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Originally Posted by Tink's Mom
Mine sleeps downstairs with his breathing machine...but still snores a little...I can't sleep with the noise of the machine and with the noises he makes....So, Tink and I have the queen size bed.....
My man already had a CPAP when we met. It was LOUD and I kept wondering if I'd have to live with it FOREVER?!! Nope. He got a new machine and it is very quiet. (I suggest he sees his medical supplier and ask for a new machine.)

The only problem now is his beard which makes it difficult to seat his mask properly; i.e., he'll move during the night, the mask moves, and a wind tunnel noise or whistle results. A tap on the shoulder -- " FIX IT!! -- does the job and peace descends.

Next, it was my turn. Because I breath more through my nose than mouth, I was fitted with only a nose piece that's slightly larger than an oxygen cannula (sp?). I now have more energy in the morning and during the day. Sleep apnea creeps up on a person and you don't realize your zip is getting zapped.

Now, if only they had a machine my cat Rudy would use -- he snores and "talks" in his sleep when he's dreaming! He insists on sleeping just under my chin so I know these things. :)
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