Old 09-06-2019, 03:22 AM
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Wow! What a gift!

I have a Tiara and it will quilt through anything with any thread, so far.

Some things I learned...You may already know these, of course....

There is a Jamie Wallen video on how to set your tension...you always set the bobbin first and adjust the upper tension to it. You also have to turn the upper tension more than on a domestic...1/4 to 1/2 a turn at a time to get any change happening.

The main thing with these machines is to keep them oiled as they are industrial machines and should be oiled at every bobbin change. Jamie Wallen also has a video for that!

When you change thread, don't take your thread out, but snip it close to the spool and tie your new thread onto the old and gently pull it through to the needle.

Do you know how to bring up your bobbin thread at the end of your project? That was confusing for me. If not, let me know and I'll try to find a video of it.

Did it come with an overlay? You really need an overlay to use rulers, if you were planning to do that.

HandQuilter has lots of videos on their Sweet Sixteen, which is the same machine, so take a look at those.

When I started, I had my speed set to about 18...as I got more confident I have been able to increase my speed. It 's important that whatever speed you are comfortable with you can put your foot all the way down on the pedal so that you don't have to worry about your foot, only your hand speed. So, play with it, find a speed that works for your hands and foot pedal and then set your foot pedal speed to that.

Always bring up your thread at the beginning or you'll get a mess on the back.

Always have a quilt sandwich nearby that you can check your tension on before you start a project. You can also use this to sew a bit on after you've oiled the machine so that if there is any stray oil on the needle it doesn't get on your project.

I've used everything from Decobob which is a very fine 80 weight to King Tut which is a heavier 40 weight in both top and bottom and mixed them and have never had a problem. I've also used clear thread with cotton 40 weight in the bobbin, as well. It's all about getting the bobbin tension right.


Last edited by QuiltnNan; 09-20-2019 at 03:29 AM.
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