Old 09-25-2019, 05:30 AM
Join Date: Nov 2011
Location: NC
Posts: 23

Originally Posted by mkc View Post
If you don't have a Janome dealer, do you have an Elna one? They are twins. It takes a bit to work out the model numbers (have to compare specs), but that might be an option (Elna runs about 6 months or so behind Janome on a model release, though).

BTW, do please test drive the sit downs (as many different ones as you can). A Sweet Sixteen uses a puck device as a stitch regulator and I have seen dealers have trouble demoing it at quilt shows. Innova uses sensors built into the bed of the table (Bernina might as well). Innova will be more expensive, but having test driven pretty much all but the Bernina Q20, to me it is worth the extra.

But it doesn't matter what I think - it's which machine you ​bond with.

I appreciate all the help I can get!! I don't even know what a puck drive is -- LOL -- so obviously I need to do more research before I even begin to buy a sit down. The Elna dealership is about as close to me as the Janome. There is a Janome dealer about 45 minutes away so I may have to break down and go there. I just worry that it's a long way to go to take it for service -- but then hopefully it won't break like my Bernina has. In my area, we have Bernina, Babylock, Juki, and Brother.
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