Thread: Class problems
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Old 11-06-2019, 03:41 AM
Battle Axe
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When I was teaching 1st and 2nd grade, a master teacher was called in to help me with this one little girl. We were trying to learn to walk in a line or march. This little cutie could not take the first step. The master teacher determined that she was opposite head and foot. I can't remember which was which, but it was like she was right brained and left handed and footed. If you stand the kids up and ask them to take one step forward, most can do that. But this little girl could not decide which foot to use first and she just froze there. This made her terribly clumsy as she was forever falling down. Most right handed people start out with their right foot, it's all hooked together in the brain.

I don't think that this is your problem but it reminded me of that.
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