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Old 02-26-2010, 06:38 PM
boopeterson's Avatar
Join Date: May 2009
Location: nw iowa
Posts: 43

Originally Posted by beshearskk
Originally Posted by Rhonda
Oh you've never lived til you have been woken up by your husband beating the bed at 2 am because he thinks there are mice in the bed!! LOL My DH has a brain injury which causes dilusions. Thankfully we haven't "had any mice in the bed" in a long time now!! LOL He also just got a new cpap machine which has helped him sleep so much better. He still dreams and thinks the dreams are real but no mice lately!!
My stepfather was a POW in the Korean war and he has wild dreams too. Once he was flailing around and hit my mom in his sleep and she woke him and asked him what he was doing he said, "I was fighting off a wild hog". Later they told that story at a family reunion, my brother said, "Boy, you sure have a way with women"!
Shortly after my hubby and I got married I woke him up at 3 a.m. with a blow right to his chest, knocked the wind out of him. He was wondering what the heck he did to make me do that to him. I was dreaming that I was getting kidnapped by a gang of midgets and I was fighting them off. He woke me up when he saw I was doing this in my sleep and told me about it. I told him what I was dreaming about and told him to be happy the midgets werent about a foot shorter!
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