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Old 12-10-2019, 05:36 PM
Join Date: Dec 2019
Location: Utah
Posts: 8

Originally Posted by Mkotch View Post
I have a Curve Master foot but find that a quarter inch seam foot works just as well. Align the beginning, hold one piece in each hand, raise the left side slightly, and go. When you're about 1/2" from the end, use sharp tweezers to hold the two pieces together. This takes some practice and coordination but you get the hang of it fairly quickly. It is essential, though, to hold the left (top) piece up. Maybe there's a YouTube that may help you?
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
I thought I would give this a try and had to Google what foot might be compatible with my machine (Shark Euro Pro). I pinned, I practiced, and then I went to Nutall's. Using a plain 1/4" seam guide foot has worked miracles!! Every single Curve has come out perfectly. The Curve Master was fighting me the *entire* time I was using it...
On a different note, I have a Curve Master now for sale - lightly used - lol!

Sincerely thank you all for giving me ideas I seriously tried almost every one of them.
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