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Old 03-01-2010, 09:34 AM
Junior Member
Join Date: Oct 2007
Location: Pennsylvania
Posts: 213

Hi Sewing Grandma,
They are a line of quilt as you go quilt patterns - and they have a totally different look and feel. Strips are cut and pieced into strip sets then the strip sets are cut. Some cuts are straight while others are cut on an angle. When they are put together the designs are very different - check them out at their website - the name of the company Prairie Sky Quilting. To this point I have made 3 of them, this weekend I made a 12 block table runner - and it is completely done. I am in no way associated with the company - just one happy, happy quilter that has found a pattern that I can start and finish. I purchased 1 pattern at a show in the fall - then I purchased 4 others. They are great....
I am always anxious to hear what others hear about them. I will be going to Paducah to the show in April and I just may pick up the ones that I do not have already. I am hooked!!!!
Sue in Pennsylvania
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