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Old 07-07-2020, 12:23 PM
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Join Date: Jan 2013
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Originally Posted by giquilt
In the month of June, I shredded all the past “paperwork” from our 46 years of marriage. Kept last seven years of necessary tax related papers. It really helped to free up some closet space in our spare bedroom. Went from a file cabinet and 8 file boxes to a two drawer file drawer.
It's amazing how much paper accumulates. Now, I have 1 file drawer at my desk. It holds the current yrs stuff. At yrs end, the financial stuff is weeded out and stored as 20xx financials. The rest is stored as 20xx. Then in 7 yrs I dump the financials. In 3 yrs dump the other. Legal papers (birth cirtificat and etc.) stay filed in desk file. It's past due to sort out past records.
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