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Old 12-13-2020, 01:36 PM
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Join Date: Jul 2020
Location: North Central Florida
Posts: 13

Hey SallyS, I have recently taken a class, there is an excellent quilting store 20 minutes from me. In fact I was just there a few hours ago getting a clarification on joining the binding for the baby quilts I mention below. I’ve the binding on the class project, I just need to tack down the binding back. I like the hand stitching of the back binding. It’s a great look.

I’ve temporarily put it on the back burner. I decided to make baby quilts for my niece’s twins. They had a rough time of it, all three. The identical twins shared the placenta, it concerned the doctor to the point he delivered them early, he was so concerned for my nieces health/live, she’s a PRN working at Miami Children Hospital. They all are doing fantastic even the smallest one, Ellie. I got to hold her at our thanksgiving get together in Miami. The Chief of Emergency Medicine at Miami Children’s Hospital is a good friend of mine, he was the drummer in my Miami Band.”o) I told my Niece to introduce herself to him, next time she was in a meeting with him, and mention me. She did, Jeff told her “I love that guy!”

So I came back to the farm and attached the ends of the bindings to both baby quilts, I did a good job too, You can hardly see the joint. As of an hour or so ago I’ve got half of the first back binding done. I’ll have them both finished with in a few days. Well ahead of Christmas. My sister, the twins grandmother. is going to be so surprised, and probably a little pissed. These kind of handmade gifts become heirlooms in my family.

I’m glad I’m on track to have these finished up for Christmas.

I’ll be busy through January, then I’ll take the next guilting class.

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