Old 12-21-2020, 11:24 AM
Mona G
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Originally Posted by carriem View Post
Mona that looks great! I have always wanted to make that block but no matter how many times I've tried I can't get the curved seams to lay flat.

I have a block picked out (thinking positive that I can participate!)...it is called Entwined Star. It is only 12" so I'll either do the math to make it 18" or add borders...it will be done in shades of red w/black. My plan is to use it as a quilt for my daughter.
I like that pattern also.
My seams do not lay flat but it did come out better than I thought it would.
Each of the 4 blocks will be a slightly different pattern and colors for the most part, as I'm working on them I keep singing "In a New York Minute, OOOO"
We were supposed to got to an Eagles concert in May but it got cancelled with Covid.
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