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Old 02-15-2021, 05:12 AM
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Join Date: Sep 2011
Location: Mendocino Coast, CA
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Originally Posted by gillyo
The first international show I entered was juried. Just getting accepted was enough for me. Imagine my shock when I won Best of Show! I think competing is great if you go into it with the attitude that all you want is the experience of having your work on display, and getting professional feedback. And, who knows, you might win!

In my case I had been working away for twenty years on my technique so would have been considered an advanced quilter going in. I wasn't active in the quilting community so hadn't even thought about entering a show until someone dared me. It was great affirmation that I was heading in the right direction.

I actually framed Karey Bresehan's judge's notes and have them hanging in my studio 20 years later. It inspires me!

Oh, wow...congrats! How exciting and surprising! Inspiring too!

I'm in N. CA too and I have to say that there just isn't much of a quilting "community" here, where I live. We are all so far apart. It just isn't practical to try to meet up regularly. Plus, all of the sewing/fabric stores have closed down. The closest one for me is about 1 1/2 hours away and it's limited.
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