Thread: Pizza Boxes
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Old 03-31-2007, 09:15 AM
Join Date: Dec 2006
Location: Randy
Posts: 81

Hi Vicki:
Our quilt group decided to do a queen -sized double Irish Chain pattern quilt for a fundraiser for one of our domestic violence Programs.....before we got the thing cut out each of us were in need of THE PROGRAM's services! Never again! Try as we might NONE of us could cut accurately, NONE of us could sew an accurate 1/4 inch seam and it's on this project we realized the brand of thread used can make the difference in the width of a seam allowance. .. not all thread with the same size number is the same size! We affectionately called this quilt "the Devil's Quilt!" One of our members finally offered to take the quilt, tear it all apart and re-do it so we can get it to the fundraising stage before all of domestic violence is irradicated in our country. Now whenever someone suggests "making a quilt" for this or that we all have the same knee jerk response....."don't look at me, I don't do group quilts!" Good for you for finishing your groups quilt.
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