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Old 02-26-2021, 12:34 AM
Senior Member
Join Date: Jun 2017
Location: Warsaw, Poland
Posts: 353

Osewme - this is my first time FM quilting an actual quilt. I practiced on a few small pieces that I will use as cat beds. The practice stitches do look like pre-schooler's drawings.

EmiliasNana: the answer to your question shows what idiot I am. Somehow at the beginning of my quilting adventure I got the idea that FMQ is to be done on computer long-arm machines exclusively. Since I had neither room nor money for a car-priced and car-sized device, I thought I was condemned to quilting in straight lines.

Then, recently, just to drool, I watched a FMQ tutorial by Patsy Thompson on YouTube. And I had an epiphany.

Two weeks and half a lifetime's portion of ranting later I had a new foot, slightly modified by myself, a way of turning off the fabric transport better than producer-designed and three very funny looking cat beds. Patsy Thompson, where have you been these last 4 years? The other person I should credit is Leah Day for her band gum foot modification idea.
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