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Old 02-28-2021, 10:19 AM
Senior Member
Join Date: Nov 2008
Posts: 424

A resounding NO! Unless....the coloured dot part is so pretty I want to use it as an inspiration palette piece.

When the selvedge quilt idea first came out I had just read a quilting thread that was started by a lady who was newly retired. She was warning ladies her age to build a stash before retirement as after there would be no budget for fabric shopping. I found this very heart-rending. At the same time there was a lot of posting about preventing "waste" and an artist friend expressed surprise at how quilters obsessed about wasting fabric. She said artists understand that you have to do practice pieces, maquettes, or studies to master technique and the materials used for that are seen as a kind of tuition, not "waste".

I know fabric is expensive but my gut feeling is that the dread of waste (which is kind of behind the selvedge quilt idea, use very last bit) often stifles creativity. I love to just play with improv blocks and that creates blocks that go in to an orphan block drawer...they get used eventually, sometimes in the most surprising projects.

A little off topic but the post reminded me of this waste vs. retirement budget discussion that has stuck with me all these years...
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